Call Detail Records (CDR)

Phone calls are made in and out each day for conducting business. A. s a good business practice, it is important to save call details for future references. CDR helps accomplish that with great efficiency. It stores the number of calls made, call durations and contacted numbers. Call recording can also be found here if the conversation was recorded.


  1. Analyze the performance of employees based on various parameters.
  2. Access details of important calls at will.
  3. Activity tracking can be performed easily.

Key Industries

Retail & E-commerce:
Providers can record calls between customers and employees and analyze their conversations to improve customer experience.

Telecom Industry:
Telecom providers use CDR to track their customers' activities and provide assistance to enforcement authorities for finding/monitoring malicious use or activity.

Call Centers:
Call centers can analyze their call data to find patterns and customer opinion about certain products.