Fetch Single User

Sample Request

This API allows you to fetch details of a single User.

curl --request GET \
     --url https://api-smartflo.tatateleservices.com/v1/user/id \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

๐Ÿ“˜ Important!

Before we begin, note that the * sign denotes the mandatory variables in each table.

Request Variables (Path Params)

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
idID of the user.String

Sample Response

    "data": {
        "id": "288256",
        "name": "xyz",
        "number": "+91999999999",
        "team_member": {
            "designation": null,
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "login_id": "png4747",
            "status": 1,
            "role": {
                "name": "Admin New",
                "id": 54742
            "is_login_based_calling": true,
            "is_web_login_block": false,
            "users_for_cdr": {
                "type": "all",
                "value": null
        "agent": {
            "id": "0502842370002",
            "intercom": 1002,
            "number": "+919999999999",
            "agent_status": 0,
            "extension": {
                "username": "0602842370077",
                "outbound_block": false
            "sticky_Agent": null,
            "time_group": {
                "id": 23743,
                "name": "TEster OCT NOV"
            "failover_destination": {
                "id": "50757",
                "name": "OFF hours OB",
                "type": "auto_attendant"
            "is_international_outbound_enabled": false

Response Variables

The response returned is as following:

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
data[i].idId of the user.integer
data[i].nameName of the user.String
data[i].numberPhone number of the user.String
data[i].team_member.designationDesignation of the team member/user.String
data[i].team_member.emailEmail of the team member/user.String
data[i].team_member.login_idLogin ID of the team member.String
data[i].team_member.statusStatus of the team member. For example: BLOCK = 0
data[i].team_member.role.idId of the permission role defined for the user.integer
data[i].team_member.role.nameName of the permission role defined for the user.String
data[i].agent.idId of the agent.integer
data[i].agent.intercomIntercom of the agent/user.integer
data[i].agent.numberNumber of the agent/user.String
data[i].agent.agent_statusStatus of the agent. For example: Enabled = 0
Blocked = 1
Disabled = 2
Busy = 3
Offline = 4
data[i].agent.extension.usernameUsername of the extension for the agent/user.String
data[i].agent.extension.outbound_blockWhether outbound calling is blocked for the user extension or not. For example: true or false.Boolean
data[i].sticky_Agent.timeoutThe call timeout duration for the sticky agent. Note: Value is in seconds.integer
data[i].sticky_Agent.ring_strategyThe ring strategy name of the department.

For example, Order By.
data[i].sticky_Agent.alternate_numbersThe alternate numbers of the agent. For example, 9123234000.String
data[i].time_group.idThe unique ID of the time group assigned. For example, 12345.integer
data[i].time_group.nameName of the time group assigned.String
data[i].failover_destination.idID of the failover destination where the call will land in case the agent doesn't pick up the call.String
data[i].failover_destination.nameName of the failover destinationString
data[i].failover_destination.typeType of the failover destination module. For example: agent, department, etc.String
data[i].users_for_cdr.typeType of users selected for cdr view. For example: all, none, userString
data[i].users_for_cdr.valueValue of users selected for cdr view.String
data[i].is_web_login_blockWhether web login is blocked on the user or not. For example: true or false.Boolean
data[i].is_login_based_callingWhether login-based calling is enabled on the user or not. For example: true or false.Boolean
data[i].is_international_outbound_enabledWhether internation outbound is enabled on the user or not. For example: true or false.Boolean
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!