Create IVR

This API allows you to create a new IVR.

Sample Request

This API allows you to create a new IVR.

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json'


Before we begin, note that the * sign denotes the mandatory variables in each table.

An IVR can be created using the method outlined below:

Request Variables (Body Params)

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
name*Name of the IVR. For example, Election IVR.String
description*Description for IVR. For example, Election IVR Description.String
recording*Unique ID of the recording. For example, recording|28935.String
timeout*Time for which the IVR will ring. For example, 30.Number
option*DTMF option, you can add more options by clicking on ADD button. For example, 1.Array of String
destination*Destinations where the call should land based on the IVR option, you can add more destinations by clicking on ADD button. For example, extension|05047530000.Array of String
incorrect_count*The number of retries permitted after invalid inputs. For example, 2.Integer
timeout_recording*Unique ID of recording to be played after Timeout Retry count is more than set value. For example, recording|28955.String
invalid_recording*Unique ID of recording to be played after Timeout Retry count is more than set value. For example, recording|28955.String
invalid_destination*Unique ID of the destination where the call would land in case of invalid option being selected. For example, extension|05047530099.String
timeout_retry_recording*Unique ID of recording that needs to be played when timeout on retry occurs. For example, recording|28977.String
timeout_destination*Destination where the call would land in case of timeout. For example, extension|05047530675.String
sms_templateUnique ID of SMS Template to be associated with IVR Option, only applicable if SMS Template setting is enabled for user account. For example, 35642.Array of Numbers
timeout_tries*The number of times Timeout Retry is allowed. For example, 2.Number
invalid_recording*Recording to be played after invalid retry count is more than set value. For example, recording|28934.String

Response Variables

The response returned is as following:

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
SuccessThe request success status, the possible values are: True (default) for success. False for failure.Boolean
MessageThe message corresponding to the success status. For example, in 400 Response where the "success" variable pops as True, the message displayed is shown here.String
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