Update details of department

This API allows you to update the details of particular department.

Sample Request

Use the API method to update department general details:

curl --request PUT \
     --url https://api-smartflo.tatateleservices.com/v1/department/id \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json'

Request Variables (Path Param)

It takes a JSON request body with the following notable parameter:

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
idDepartment's unique ID. For Example, 7005.String

Request Variables (Body Params)

When the API request is made, the below request variables are modified:

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
name*Name of the department. For example, Agent Department.String
description*Description of the department. For example, Agent Department Description.String
ring_strategy*When a customer dials an extension, there are several strategies that can be devised to distribute the calls as per the availability and the number of agents.
Simultaneously: Rings all agents simultaneously, and every agent has a ringing phone on his/her desk.
Order by : Rings agents in sequence from the top of the list in the members tab of the queue configuration.
Random : Rings agents in no particular sequence.
Round Robin: Rings an agent who is next in a pre-decided order.
Longest Wait Time: Rings agent who has waited for the longest to take a call.
timeout_dest_type*The destination type where the call lands if no one answers the call. For example, extension.String
timeoutTime in seconds for which the call tries to connect to each agent in this department. For example, 30.Number
destinationThe ID of the destination where the call should land. For example, extension|05047530046.Array of strings
music_on_hold*Unique ID of music on hold to be played when caller is on hold. For example, 42240.String
timeout_destination*The ID of the destination where the call should land if no one answers the call. For example, department|7120.String

Response variables

After the execution of the API, you will get the following response variables:

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
SuccessThe request success status, the possible values are: True (default) for success. False for failure.Boolean
MessageThe message corresponding to the success status. For example, in 400 Response where the "success" variable pops as True, the message displayed is shown here.String
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!