Fetch details of all Time Group

This API allows you to fetch details of all Time Groups.

Sample Request

This API allows you to fetch details of all Time Groups.

curl --request GET \
     --url https://api-smartflo.tatateleservices.com/v1/timegroups \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

📘 Important!

Before we begin, note that the * sign denotes the mandatory variables in each table.

Sample Response

    "id": 36093,
    "name": "XYZTIME",
    "conditions": "[\"2:00-16:00,sun|mon,1|2|3,jan\",\"7:00-17:00,mon|tue,4|5|6,feb\"]",
    "added_by": 10959

Response Variables

The response returned is as following:

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
idUnique ID of the time group.String
nameName of the time group.String
conditionsSet of all the time conditions applicable in the time group.String
added_byUnique ID of the user, who added the time group.String
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!