Create a SMS template

This API allows you to create a new SMS template.

Sample Request

This API allows you to create a new SMS template.

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json'


Before we begin, note that the * sign denotes the mandatory variables in each table.

Request Variables (Body Params)

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
nameName of the SMS Templatestring
sms_typeType of SMS Template. 0: Agent SMS missed call, 1: Caller SMS Missed Call, 2: Department SMS Missed Call, 3: Agent SMS Received Call, 4: Caller SMS Received Call, 5: Answered On IVR SMS, 6: Answered On Auto Attendant SMS, 7: IVR Option SMSinteger
sms_text_typeType of text for SMS Template Message, 0: Normal Text, 1: Unicode text for other Languagesinteger
statusStatus of the SMS Template, 0: Disabled, 1: Enabledinteger
messageMessage corresponding to SMS Templatestring
cc_numbersNumbers that are kept in cc when SMS is sentarray of integer
emailEmail ID to be associated with SMS Templatestring

Response Variables

After the execution of the API, you will get the following response:

Variable NameDescriptionData Type
successThe request success status, the possible values are: True (default) for success. False for failure.Boolean
messageThe message corresponding to the success status. For example, in 400 Response where the "success" variable pops as True, the message displayed is shown here.String
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!