Template Management

Smartflo portal allows you to view and manage the SMS/Email templates to manage notifications being sent to the customer.

To view SMS/Email Templates, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Services tab on the side navigation.
  2. Click on Template Management.
  3. A list of all your SMS/Email templates along with relevant details are shown that includes different fields (ID, name, message, type, and status of the template).
  4. Click the Add Template button present on the top-right corner of the page.

  1. Fill in all the fields to add the template. The fields to be filled are as follows:
Use for WhatsAppEnable to use this template for WhatsApp.
NameEnter the Template name.
Template TypeChoose the template type from the dropdown depending on the call type.
SMS Text TypeSelect text type from the dropdown (Unicode or text).
MessageEnter the message to add in the template out of the following attributes: Department name, Agent number, Agent name, Unique ID, Short URL, Date, Time.
Note: Add the Short URL Attribute to send URLs for Single, Trackable, or Feedback types, as discussed under Short URL Campaign.
Email IDEnter up to three email IDs, where the SMS notification will be recovered based on the trigger selected.
CC NumbersEnter up to three numbers, where the SMS notification will be recovered based on the trigger selected
Short URL CampaignChoose from the already created Short URL Campaign by making a selection from the dropdown.
Destination URLThe Destination URL automatically populates on choosing the Short URL Campaign.
Note: Destination is defined under Survey Campaign.
LanguageChoose the language option for WhatsApp.
Whatsapp NumberThe number used to send out WhatsApp messages.
  1. Click on Select an Action dropdown button and the following options populate:
  • Click View/Edit to view or update the fields of the template.

Note: You cannot edit a template that is already in use.

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  • You can click Clone to make its duplicate. Enter the template name, and click on Save.

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  1. If you want to skip sending SMS/Email templates after the call, do not fill in the details regarding the SMS templates in the My Numbers section in the Services tab on the side navigation.