Lead Lists

Lead List is a collection of leads or contacts to which a call can be broadcasted.

Follow these steps to add a lead list.

  1. Click on the Services tab placed on the side navigation.
  2. Click Outbound Services>Lead Lists.


  1. All lead lists appear along with the relevant details.
  2. Click on the Add List button present in the top right corner.

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  1. Enter the name and description and create customized fields for your lead list by adding them under Create Field Map for Leads. You can add more field maps by clicking the Add More button.
    You can also Enable Outbound Skill Based Routing for a lead list and then select a skill list of your choice.
  2. Once done, click the Save button.

Once the lead list is created, you can perform the below operations on it.

Click on Select an Action button to explore the operations.

  • Add Lead - Insert contact details of a lead in the selected lead list.

Note: The user can give priority to the leads. Priority should be between 1 and 30, where 30 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. The call will connect first to the higher-priority leads in the list and then move on to the lower-priority leads.

  • Download Sample CSV - Click the option to download a sample CSV file along with the field name, such as Phone Number, Name, Email ID, Address, Company Name, and Time Group ID.
  • View Leads for Broadcast Campaign - Shows the number of leads present along with their details.

Click on Select an Action button to edit lead information, delete the lead, and clone the lead as a contact.

  • View Leads for Dialer Campaign - Shows the number of leads present along with their details.

Click on the Select an Action button to edit lead information, delete the lead and clone the lead as a contact.

  • Clone list as Contact Group - Clone the lead list and save it as a contact group.

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  • Clone Leads to Contacts - Clone the leads present in the list and save them as contacts.

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  • Edit - Update the name and description of the lead list.

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  • Delete - Permanently remove the lead list.

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Master Upload-Add a set of leads to all existing lead lists by uploading a CSV file containing all leads you wish to add.

  1. Click on the Master Upload button in the top-right corner.
  2. Click on Upload Master Upload(CSV).
  3. Upload the Master Upload file.
  4. Choose whether you wish to Skip, Overwrite, or Clone Duplicate Records.
  5. Choose whether to add the leads through Lead ID or Phone Number and click on Save.

Note: Select Lead ID or Phone Number depending on whether the uploaded CSV file contains Lead IDs or Phone Numbers.

Master Delete-Delete a set of leads from all existing lead lists by uploading a CSV file containing all leads you wish to remove.

  1. Click on the Master Delete button in the top-right corner.
  2. Click on Upload Master Delete(CSV).
  3. Upload the Master Delete file.
  4. Choose whether to delete the leads through Lead ID or Phone Number and click on Save.

Note: Select Lead ID or Phone number depending on whether the uploaded CSV file contains Lead IDs or Phone Numbers.