Agent Real Time Report

Agent Real Time


Active CallsDisplays the total number of calls currently active on the platform.
Calls TodayShows the total number of calls made or received by agents on the current day.
Incoming CallsIndicates the number of incoming calls currently being handled.
Incoming AnsweredShows the number of incoming calls that have been answered by agents.
Incoming MissedDisplays the number of incoming calls that were not answered.
Outgoing CallsRepresents the total number of outgoing calls initiated by agents.
Outgoing AnsweredIndicates the number of outgoing calls successfully answered by customers.
Outgoing MissedDisplays the number of outgoing calls that were not answered by customers.
Total AgentsDisplays the total number of agents configured in the Portal (with login-based calling enabled).
Agents BusyIndicates the number of agents currently engaged in a call.
Agents OfflineDisplays the number of agents currently logged out or unavailable.
Agents AvailableShows the number of agents currently available to take calls.

Agent-Level Details

Agent NameDisplays the name of the agent.
Availability StatusShows the current availability status of the agent (e.g., Available, Busy, Not Available).
Availability Status DurationIndicates the total time the agent has spent in their current availability status.
Call StatusDisplays whether the agent is "In a Call" or "Not on Call."
DepartmentThe department or group to which the agent is assigned.
Answered CallsThe number of calls successfully answered by the agent.
Missed CallsThe number of calls that the agent did not answer.
Total In-Call TimeThe total duration the agent has spent on calls.
Total Break DurationThe total duration the agent has spent on break.
Total Available DurationThe total time the agent has been available and ready to take calls.

Color Significance

  • Click the + icon on the bottom-right corner of the page to view the significance of each color in the report.


  • Status Resets: The system resets the status to 0 every time there is a change in an agent's availability.
  • Agent Logins: Agents must log in and log out accurately to ensure real-time data is reflected correctly on the dashboard.