Agent Disposition

A disposition list is a record of the outcomes or dispositions of all the calls made by sales representatives or customer service agents. The list provides a summary of the calls made, the responses received from customers or prospects, and the next steps to be taken in the sales process.

Typically, a disposition list includes the following information:

  1. The outcome or disposition of the call, such as "interested in the product," "not interested," "call back later," "left message," or "closed sale."

  2. Any notes or comments regarding the call, such as the customer's objections or questions, or details about the next steps in the sales process.

  3. Any follow-up actions or tasks to be completed by the sales representative or customer service agent.

The Agent disposition list is an important tool for tracking and analyzing the effectiveness of sales and customer service efforts, identifying areas for improvement, and optimizing the sales process. It allows managers to monitor the performance of their team, identify trends, and adjust strategies accordingly.

In this guide, we’ll guide you on how to dispose of the call with appropriate disposition codes for future reference. This whole process will work for the Click to Call functionality.

Setting up the Agent Disposition

  1. Log into the Admin Panel.

  2. From the left navigation pane, click on Services.


  1. Click on the Agent Disposition option.


You will be prompted to a screen with the list of already created disposition methods.

  1. To add a new Disposition method, click on the Add Disposition button from the top-right corner.


  1. Enter the Name and Code for the Disposition and click on the Save button.

Note: Code is an abbreviation or a reference for the agent to remember while filling up the call log details.


Your disposition details have been successfully saved.

Enabling Agent Disposition for Agents

The agent will be able to see the call disposition option after the call in the Agent panel only if the admin enables the specific option from the portal.

a. In the left- navigation-pane, click on Settings, then go to User Management option.

b. From the sub-option, select All members under Manage Teams.


c. Next to the specific Agent, click on Select an Action, then click on Edit User.


d. Enable the toggle of Agent Disposition, as highlighted in the below image.


Call Disposition by Agents

The following steps will come into effect when the Agent has made a call through the Click to Call feature.

  1. Log into the portal.

  2. Initiate outbound calls by clicking the Click to Call button on the top-right corner.

  3. In the pop-up box, click on the Active Calls tab to fill up the necessary call details once the call is complete.

  4. Select the appropriate Agent Disposition Name and Code from the drop-down list.


  1. Fill in any other additional details in the description box and then click the Save Log button.


Accessing Disposition in the Call Detail Records

  1. Click on the Call Detail Records from the left-navigation menu.

  2. Select the respective phone number, you want to access the details of and click on More information tab.


As highlighted in the below-attached image, you can find the Disposition Code and Disposition Name for the selected call record.


If you want to make changes in the existing Agent Disposition, then select the respective Disposition, click on the Select an Action button, and click on Edit Disposition.
