Sangam CRM

Sangam CRM Integration

Follow these steps to integrate Sangam CRM with Smartflo.

  1. Log into your Sangam CRM account.

  1. Go to the admin panel Click on User Profile > Admin, present in the top right of the page.

  1. From the admin panel select IVR Connector from plugins.

  1. Create new IVR Connector
    Click on the plus icon (plus) at the top right side below the user profile.

  1. Select Tata Smartflo from the name menu.

  1. Generate the Token Key by clicking on Generate Key.

  1. Enter the URL port.

  1. Set the status as Active.

  1. Select the Call Relate on Module Option.
    When you click on the Call Relate option it will ask for the Modules in which the record is to be
    created related to the Call during the pop-up.

  1. Select the modules for Call Relate.

  1. Set the following parameters and URL for the Call Log API

  1. Set the Call Log Assignment Field for the User.

  1. Set the parameters for Call Notify API

  1. Set parameter for Call Notify Assignment to the User

  1. Set the Smartflo Call Outbound API
    The Phone parameter will be mapped to the User’s primary phone.

  1. Set the authorization key for the Call Outbound API

  1. Click on Save

  1. Next go the user profile from the top right corner of the page and click on profile.

  1. Click on edit.

  1. Go to user info tab.

  1. Select tata-smartflo from the Synapse Call Enabled option.

  1. Click on save.

  1. Next, login to your Smartflo account. Click on Webhook under Services tab.

  1. Click on add webhook.

  1. Create the First Webhook by entering the below mentioned details.
    This webhook will be used during Inbound Call.

Enter the below code in response body:
"uuid": "$uuid",
"call_to_number": "$call_to_number",
"enjay_lat_source_number": "$caller_id_number",
"name": "$caller_id_number",
"date_start": "$start_stamp",
"answer_stamp": "$answer_stamp",
"date_end": "$end_stamp",
"hangup_cause": "$hangup_cause",
"billsec": "$billsec",
"digits_dialed": "$digits_dialed",
"direction": "$direction",
"duration": "$duration",
"answered_agent": "$answered_agent",
"answered_agent_name": "$answered_agent_name",
"enjay_lat_destination_number": "$answered_agent_number",
"missed_agent": "$missed_agent",
"call_flow": "$call_flow",
"broadcast_lead_fields": "$broadcast_lead_fields",
"synapse_recording_link": "$recording_url",
"call_status": "$call_status",
"call_id": "$call_id",
"outbound_sec": "$outbound_sec",
"agent_ring_time": "$agent_ring_time",
"billing_circle": "$billing_circle",
"call_connected": "$call_connected",
"aws_call_recording_identifier": "$aws_call_recording_identifier",
"customer_no_with_prefix ": "$customer_number_with_prefix",
"mobile_call_detect_c": "0",
"assigned_user_id": "$answered_agent_number",
"decision_variable": "",
"logged_via": "Calllog",
"logged_by": "IVR"

In advance settings the key authorization will be the token generated in the CRM.
Click the Save button.

  1. Similarly, create a new webhook and fill the details for the second webhook

Enter the below Code in Response Body:
"uuid": "$uuid",
"enjay_lat_destination_number": "$customer_number_with_prefix",
"caller_id_number": "$caller_id_number",
"date_start": "$start_stamp",
"answer_stamp": "$answer_stamp",
"date_end": "$end_stamp",
"hangup_cause": "$hangup_cause",
"billsec": "$billsec",
"digits_dialed": "$digits_dialed",
"direction": "$direction",
"duration": "$duration",
"answered_agent": "$answered_agent",
"answered_agent_name": "$answered_agent_name",
"enjay_lat_source_number": "$answered_agent",
"name": "$answered_agent_number",
"missed_agent": "$missed_agent",
"call_flow": "$call_flow",
"broadcast_lead_fields": "$broadcast_lead_fields",
"synapse_recording_link": "$recording_url",
"call_status": "$call_status",
"call_id": "$call_id",
"outbound_sec": "$outbound_sec",
"agent_ring_time": "$agent_ring_time",
"billing_circle": "$billing_circle",
"call_connected": "$call_connected",
"aws_call_recording_identifier": "$aws_call_recording_identifier",
"customer_no_with_prefix ": "$customer_number_with_prefix",
"mobile_call_detect_c": "0",
"assigned_user_id": "$answered_agent",
"decision_variable": "",
"logged_via": "Calllog",
"logged_by": "IVR"

In advance settings the key authorization will be the token generated in the CRM.
Finally save the webhook > Click on the Save button.

  1. Similarly, create a new webhook and enter the below mentioned details for the
    third webhook:

Enter the below Code in Response Body:
"uuid": "$uuid",
"call_to_number": "$call_to_number",
"caller_id_number": "$caller_id_number",
"start_stamp": "$start_stamp",
"answer_agent_number": "$answer_agent_number",
"call_id": "$call_id",
"billing_circle": "$billing_circle",
"call_status": "$call_status",
"direction": "$direction",
"customer_no_with_prefix ": "$customer_number_with_prefix"
In advance settings the key authorization will be the token generated in the CRM.
Finally save the webhook > Click on the Save button.