My Numbers

My Numbers section lists all the purchased numbers associated with your account.

It allows you to update the number details, however, the authority to add or delete any number resides with the super admin only.

Here, you can perform the below operations on the existing DID number:

  • Apply appropriate destination for an incoming call
  • Allocate a sticky agent (which helps connect the customer to the same agent he/she had interacted before)
  • Assign appropriate SMS template to be triggered as per specific call response scenarios for the call

To edit a number, follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the Services tab on the side navigation.
  2. Click on My Numbers.
  3. A list of all numbers is displayed along with the relevant details.
  4. Click on Select an Action and select Edit from the dropdown.

  1. Enter the basic details.

  1. Set the appropriate destination for the number. For instance, if you are creating an IVR, you need to select the Time Condition (created in step 7 of IVR creation) as the destination here.

  2. Select the Sticky Agent as Yes or No from the dropdown.

If Yes, fill in the required fields that appear on the panel. The fields enable to map of the callers to the same agent for all future interactions.

  • Sticky Agent Time: If you want the customer call to be routed to the same agent with whom he/she connected in the last three days, enter 3.

  • Sticky Agent Time Format: Choose the format (either days or hours) by making a selection from the dropdown. As per the above-quoted example, choose Days.

  1. Fill in the required fields in the SMS templates.
Agent SMS(Missed Call)Choose the Agent SMS template to be sent to the caller if the call is missed.
Caller SMS(Missed Call)Choose the Caller SMS template to be sent to the caller if the call is missed.
Department SMS(Missed Call)Choose the Department SMS template to be sent to the caller if the call is missed.
Agent SMS(Received Call)Choose the Agent SMS template to be sent to the caller when the call is received.
Caller SMS(Received Call)Choose the Caller SMS template to be sent to the caller when the call is received.
Answered On IVR SMSChoose the IVR SMS template to be sent to the caller when the call is answered.
Answered On Auto Attendant SMSChoose the Auto Attendant SMS template to be sent to the caller when the call is answered.

Block a Number

Easily block a number by following a few simple steps as illustrated in the video below.