Call Stats

Call Stats Overview

Below is a detailed explanation of the three reporting sections (Agent Reports, Department Reports, and Broadcast Reports) along with their respective metrics.

1. Agent Reports

  • Focused on tracking individual agent performance, specifically missed and handled calls.

Metrics and Details

  • Unique Missed Calls: Total number of calls missed by specific agents during the selected time period.
  • Number of Calls (Handled): Shows calls successfully handled by agents.

Agent-wise Breakdown

  • Visual representation of agent-wise performance using bar graphs.
    • Horizontal Axis: Displays agent names.
    • Vertical Axis: Displays the number of missed or handled calls per agent.


  • Date Range: Filter the data within a one-month range.
  • Select Agents: Narrow down the analysis to specific agents.
  • Export Option: Download the report for external analysis in CSV or Excel format.

2. Department Reports

Purpose: Provides an overview of call handling and missed calls across various departments.

Metrics and Details

  • Weekly Records:

    • Tracks weekly performance metrics for each department.
    • Horizontal Axis: Displays department names.
    • Vertical Axis: Represents the total number of calls (missed or handled) for the week.
  • Department-Wise Analysis:

    • Displays detailed department names and their associated call statistics.
    • Highlights missed call percentages and handled call metrics for each department.


  • Date Range: Analyze weekly trends within the one-month time limit.
  • Select Departments: Focus analysis on specific departments.
  • Export Option: Download department-level performance data for further analysis.

3. Broadcast Reports

Purpose: Monitors performance metrics related to broadcast campaigns.

Metrics and Details

  • Campaign Name:

    • Displays all active and completed broadcast campaigns.
    • Each campaign is analyzed for its call performance.
  • Metrics:

    • Total Calls: Total number of calls initiated through the broadcast campaign.
    • Answered Calls: Number of calls successfully answered by recipients.
    • Missed Calls: Number of calls missed by recipients.
    • Dropped Calls: Calls that were disconnected before being answered.
    • Response Time: Average time taken to respond to a broadcast call.
    • Talk Time: Average time spent talking during each answered call.
  • Graphical View:

    • Horizontal Axis: Displays campaign names.
    • Vertical Axis: Showcases the number of calls (answered, missed, or dropped).


  • Date Range: Analyze broadcast data within the one-month window.
  • Select Campaigns: Focus analysis on specific campaigns.
  • Export Option: Extract campaign performance data for further analysis.


All reports display data within a one-month range to ensure current and actionable insights.