Number-Wise Report

The Number-Wise Report provides analytical insights and statistics for each number assigned to your account. It assists in identifying frequently and infrequently used numbers, enabling more effective allocation. The report includes metrics such as answered calls, missed calls, total calls, answer rates, and the number of unique callers.

  • To access the Number-Wise Report:
  1. Navigate to the Report:

    • Click on Reports in the side navigation.
    • Go to General > Number Wise.
  2. Select Number:

  • Click the Select Number button located at the top-right corner.
  • Choose the desired number(s) for analysis and click Done.
  • Click Search to generate the report.

Number-Wise Statistics

  • The bottom section of the report displays detailed statistics for each number:
NumberDisplays the DID number under analysis.
Incoming AnsweredNumber of incoming calls answered for each number.
Unique Incoming AnsweredCount of unique incoming calls that were answered, excluding repeat calls from the same number.
Incoming MissedNumber of incoming calls missed for each number.
Unique Incoming MissedCount of unique incoming calls that were missed, excluding repeat calls from the same number.
Agent MissedTotal number of calls missed specifically by agents, excluding those missed at the IVR or Auto Attendant stages.
IVR/AA MissedTotal number of calls missed at the IVR or Auto Attendant stage.
Total CallsTotal number of calls for each number.
Total Unique CallsCombined total of all unique calls (answered and missed) for the specified number.
Answer RateAnswer rate for the particular number, calculated as: Number of Answered Calls / Total Calls.
Missed Call %Percentage of missed calls for each number, calculated as: Number of Missed Calls / Total Calls.
Average Calls/DayAverage number of calls per day for the specific number.
Total Call Handling TimeTotal duration of call handling for each number.
Average Call Handling TimeAverage duration of call handling for each number.

Exporting the Report

To download the report:

  • Click on the Export button to download a .csv file of the report.