Dialer Real Time Report

Dialer Real Time

Set Listen/Whisper/Barge Destination

  • This button will help you to set the destination of Listen/Whisper/Barge.
  1. Click Set Listen/Whisper/Barge Destination button on the bottom-right corner of the page.
  2. Select the destination.
  • Click More button on the bottom-right corner of the page to view more real-time fields.


Active callsDisplays the total number of active calls.
Calls TodayShows the total number of calls made or received on a particular day.
Outgoing Answered CallsRepresents the total number of outgoing calls that were answered.
Outgoing Dropped CallsDisplays the total number of outgoing calls that were dropped.
Incoming AnsweredShows the total number of incoming calls that were answered.
Incoming MissedIndicates the total number of incoming calls that were missed.
Calls RingingRepresents the total number of calls currently in the ringing state.
Calls Ringing (Ratio)Represents the total number of calls currently in the ringing state. (For Ratio method)
Calls Waiting In QueueDisplays the total number of incoming calls waiting in the queue.
Incoming Queue MissedIndicates the total number of missed incoming calls through the queue.
Incoming Agent MissedShows the total number of incoming calls missed by agents.
Dialable LeadsDisplays the number of leads remaining to be dialed.
Dialed LeadsRepresents the total number of leads that have been dialed.
Logged In AgentsShows the total number of agents currently logged in.
Paused AgentsDisplays the total number of agents currently on a break.
Agents On CallRepresents the total number of agents currently on a call.
Agents Not On CallDisplays the total number of agents who are not on a call.
Agents ReadyShows the total number of agents available and ready to take calls.
Agents In DispositionRepresents the total number of agents marking down the output of the call.
Drop PercentageIndicates the percentage of calls picked by customers but missed by agents.

Agent-Level Details

Agent nameDisplays the name of the agent.
StatusIndicates the current activity of the agent (e.g., On Hold, On Call, Ready).
Status DurationShows the total time spent by the agent in the current status.
CampaignDisplays the name of the campaign the agent is assigned to.
Answered CallsRepresents the total number of outgoing and incoming calls answered by the agent.
Missed CallsShows the total number of outgoing and incoming calls missed by the agent.
Total In-Call TimeDisplays the total time the agent was actively on a call.
Total Break DurationIndicates the total time the agent spent on a break.
Total Available DurationDisplays the total time the agent was available to take calls.

Color Significance

  • Click the + icon on the bottom-right corner of the page to view the significance of each color in the report.