This document outlines the process of how you can use the SFTP server to store call recordings for a long time for future reference.

Configure your own account to store call recordings or reports by following the below steps:

  1. Log into the Smartflo account.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Manage Settings.

  1. Navigate to Manage SFTP > Add SFTP.
  1. Click on Add SFTP Configuration button available on the top-right corner to create a new SFTP storage.
  1. Fill all the required details as explained in the below table and click SAVE.
Field NameDescription
NameEnter the name of the configuration to be created. Eg. test.
Select Service TypeChoose the service you want to save on your own server. Eg. if you choose Call Recordings, then all the future call recordings will be saved on your server.
HostEnter the IP of your server. For example 50.31.66.XXX
PortEnter the port number of your server. For example 4020
UsernameEnter your SSH-enabled username. Eg. root
PasswordEnter your password.
Private KeyEnter your private SSH key for authentication. Contact your server admin for this key. 
Key PassphraseEnter the passphrase or password which is used to encrypt the private key. Contact your server admin for this phrase.
Target Folder PathEnter the destination path on the server where you want to store the selected service type. For example: /var/www/development. Once configured, your chosen service type (eg. call recordings) will be saved in the specified location. 
Public URLEnter the URL available to users to access their saved call recordings or reports. Eg.

Locate your target folder path, host, and username quickly through the below illustration:

  1. Your created SFTP server now appears under ALL SFTP. You can make the SFTP server the default one by following the below steps:
  • Click on Select an Action button next to the SFTP server.

  • Choose Default connection for Call Recording.


Note: Once done, an Active For Call Recording label gets added on the top of the SFTP.
