AWS/SFTP Transfer Logs

This article is focused on the AWS(Amazon Web Services) and SFTP(Secure File Transfer Protocol) recording transfer retry mechanism for the admin panel. This contains the step-by-step walkthrough about the same.

Get Started

To begin, log into your existing account on Smartflo.

  • Navigate to the Reporting>AWS/SFTP Transfer Logs Tab from the side navigation pane. You’ll see the list of logs for all the failed recordings.
1Call IDUnique call identification ID assigned to each call
2Date-TimeDate and Time of each call recording
3MessageFailed recording error message
4StatusWhether the recording is successfully saved or not. Valid Values: Success/Failed
5Summary LogsThe number of retry attempts made by the user to transfer the recording.
  • You can search for any particular failed call recording using the corresponding details of the call such as Call-ID, From/To Date, and Status(success/failed).
  • Click on Failed Recording Logs View button to view the error message.
  • Click the Try Now button to retry each failed recording for a success message.
  • Click the Show Retry History button under the summary logs section to get the list of retry logs.
1Retry AttemptsNumber of times a retry request is made
2Retry Date and TimeDate and Time Info of retry attempt
3Response MessageSuccess or Error Message received
4Response CodeUnique code for each request made
  • Click on the Export button to download all the logs.

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